Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate the holidays and New Year with us. It was so nice seeing so many of you outside of the gym, and in real clothes! We appreciate all of the support we receive from the amazing Bell City CrossFit Community and are looking forward to the next community outing!
Speaking of community events...have you registered for the 2024 CrossFit Open yet??? Registration is now LIVE and the competition kicks off on Thursday, February 29th with the announcement of 24.1. The 2024 Open will run for 3-weeks, during which we'll complete 3 workouts programmed at the gym for Friday, March 1st, 8th and 15th. You can learn more about this global competition HERE!
We are heading into the third week of our Progressive Overload strength cycle for Back Squats and Deadlifts. We'll see 7x3 Back Squats on Tuesday and Deadlifts on Friday this week. Sets should be performed at an RPE 8 effort using the same mod-heavy to heavy weight for all sets, looking to bump the weight up slightly from last week's 6x4 efforts.
We also have some gymnastics skill work programmed for this week. Toes to Bar on Wednesday, Handstand Push-Ups on Thursday and Pull-Up practice on Saturday. All of these movements are very commonly seen in the CrossFit Open, and now is a great time to get some additional exposure to them to build up your confidence! There are two benchmark workouts programmed this week, "Push the Pace" on Thursday and CrossFit Open workout 22.3 on Saturday.
It's going to be a great week at the gym! Here's your rundown:
• MONDAY: (HEAVY) Every 1:30 x 6-Sets Power Clean + Hang Power Clean, AMRAP x 15 Minutes Jump Rope, Pull-Ups/Ring Rows, Power Cleans
• TUESDAY: (EFFORT) EMOM x 12 Minutes Bike + Unbroken Wall Balls, Post Workout Strength 7x3 Back Squat (RPE 8)
• WEDNESDAY: (GRIND) Every 4:00 x 5 Sets Run, Kettlebell Swings, Max Toes to Bar/Knees to Chest
• THURSDAY: (EFFORT) Skill Handstand Push-Ups/Deficit Push-Ups + "Push the Pace" Push Press, Box Jumps, Up Downs...decreasing reps, increasing weight/height
• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) AMRAP x 10 Minutes, Row + Deadlifts, Post Workout Strength 7x3 Deadlifts (RPE 8)
• SATURDAY: (SPRINT) Skill Kipping, Pull-Ups, Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, Bar Muscle Up practice + CrossFit Open Workout 22.3...On a 12:00 Running Clock Gymnastics Pull, Jump Rope, Thrusters...with a twist...
• Have you added your 2024 Goals to the BCCF Goals Board yet??
• CrossFit Open: Thursday, February 29th through Monday, March 18th...REGISTER HERE!
We'll see you in the gym!
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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