Member of the Quarter

Keegan Richey
Read moreEvery day at Bell City CrossFit, your coaches are impressed and inspired by your dedication and commitment to your health and fitness. Each quarter, we select a Member of the Quarter—an athlete who has consistently shown up and put in the hard work to continue making progress towards their goals. This quarter, we unanimously agreed to recognize Keegan Richey as our Q3 2024 Member of the Quarter!
Keegan joined Bell City CrossFit in July 2020, after a little convincing by his incredibly intelligent wife, Coach Jillian. From the beginning, he was committed, working hard during group classes and then working on his specific goals during Open Gym. His hard work, commitment, and dedication earned him a spot in the top 25% of all males in the Open this year, qualifying for Quarterfinals!
Keegan is not only a source of constant entertainment during group classes, but he’s also someone who consistently puts up impressive numbers on the power lifts and crushes rowing and biking workouts. He hasn’t only focused on the movements he’s naturally good at; Keegan has taken a lot of time and sought out coach guidance to improve his gymnastics skills. He has now mastered the Bar Muscle Up and improved his inversions—movements that had previously eluded him.
Congratulations, Keegan! Keep up the great work, and thank you for being such an inspiration at Bell City CrossFit!
Please join us in congratulating Keegan Richey, our Q3 2024 Member of the Quarter!
Read below to learn more about Keegan’s story.

Carmichael Gugliotti
Read moreOur first Member of the Quarter for 2024 is an OG who has been with Bell City for over 10 years, since joining right out of college back in December, 2013. He has held multiple roles within Bell City CrossFit and his journey has come full circle as a Member, Coach, Owner, Coach and now again as a Member.
Starting in August, 2023 he returned to Bell City on a mission. He now had two little ones to chase after and set a good example for. Carmichael has been on the Monthly “Consistency Club” for the past 5 months, and he is a regular at the 5:30am Group Class. He has successfully dropped 40+ lbs and 10.8% Body fat since August, 2023. All the while juggling all other responsibilities of life…He’s dedicated 60 minutes a day to fitness, has dialed in his nutrition and healthy habits and the results are evident.
Please join us in congratulating Carmichael Gugliotti, our Q1 2024 Member of the Quarter!
Read below to hear more about Carmichael’s story.

Rachel Zinni
Read moreWe are so excited to recognize Rachel Zinni as our 2023 Q4 Member of the Quarter at Bell City CrossFit!
Rachel’s motivation, consistency and continued progress at the gym make her a terrific candidate for MOTQ and a great inspiration to other BCCF members!
Rachel has been a dedicated member of Bell City CrossFit since June 7, 2016. Working second shift, she was a regular at the 12:30pm group class prior to COVID in 2020 and since January, 2021 she’s been training consistently…and mostly solo…during mid-morning Open Gym hours showcasing her self-motivation & determination. Now, she’ll often drop in for a noon class on weekdays showcasing her strength PR's!
Read below to hear more about Rachel’s story.

David Kunze
Read moreWe are so excited to recognize David Kunze as our 2023 Q3 Member of the Quarter at Bell City CrossFit!
David started at Bell City two years ago and has made such great progress due to his consistency, commitment and determination. David is eager to learn about the sport of CrossFit, always listens to the guidance from his Coaches and he is committed to putting in the work required to progress.
As a result of his dedication and work ethic, he’s not only seen gains in his strength numbers and improvement in technique, but he’s also acquired multiple new gymnastics skills, including wall walks, pull-ups and toes to bar. Read on to learn more about David!
Scott Kleinschmidt
Read moreWe're excited to re-launch our Member of the Quarter series at Bell City CrossFit, by recognizing Scott Kleinschmidt as our 2023 Q2 MOTQ!
Scott joined Bell City CrossFit back in 2014, just 2 years after the gym first opened its doors. He started CrossFit as a way to add variety to his existing fitness routine, never thinking he’d still be a dedicated member of the community 9 years later!
Scott is one of our longest standing members, and he’s always supported the ownership and community at Bell City CrossFit, we all certainly appreciate him!
Ellie Cianci
Read moreHere we are, half way through 2022 and we are thrilled to announce our next Member of the Quarter, Ellie Cianci!!
All of the BCCF Coaches and Staff enthusiastically voted for Ellie based on her commitment, dedication, and unstoppable work ethic at the gym. Ellie is also genuinely kind, welcoming and encouraging towards other members, making her a slam dunk selection for our Q3 Member of the Quarter.
Ellie joined Bell City CrossFit in June, 2018 starting initially with Bell City’s Circuit Breaker Class (HIIT/Bootcamp), then mustering up the courage to complete CrossFit Fundamentals alongside other BCCF legends, Erica and Pepe in January, 2019. The rest is history.
Jenn Aponte
Read moreThe first quarter of 2022 has ZOOMED by, Spring and Summer weather is right around the corner and here at Bell City CrossFit, we are thrilled to celebrate another one of our incredible members by honoring Jenn Aponte as our Q2, 2022 Member of the Quarter!! Congratulations, Jenn!
Jenn is one of the longest standing members at Bell City CrossFit, joining 9 years ago (!!) way back in February, 2013!
Betty Connolly
Read moreAs we celebrate the start of a new year, we must also recognize and celebrate another one of our incredible members, by recognizing Betty Connolly as our First Member of the Quarter in 2022!! Congratulations Betty!
Betty is a regular at our 8am CrossFit Group class and if she’s unable to make it to her usual morning timeslot, you can bet she’ll find her way into an evening class before the day is done! Her dedication, consistency and progress is absolutely inspiring and admirable.
Paul Hammell
Read moreOur next Member of the Quarter celebrated his 6th anniversary at Bell City CrossFit on September, 29th. A huge milestone that reflects his dedication and consistency as an athlete, as well as his coachability and desire to learn. The staff unanimously and unequivocally selected Paul Hammell as our Q4 2021 Member of the Quarter!
September was a big month for Paul, not only did he celebrate his Bell City anniversary as well as his birthday, but he also once again accepted the challenge of conquering the Spartan Beast at Killington of the many Obstacle Course races Paul and his girlfriend Megan participate in throughout the year. Putting into practice all of the strength & conditioning training they routinely participate in at CrossFit.
Kris DelValle
Read moreEvery quarter at Bell City CrossFit, the Staff discusses who to recognize as the next Member of the Quarter. As a framework for that discussion, we consider our 10 Fundamental Values; positivity, humility, integrity, respect, determination, preparation, open mindedness, inclusiveness, courage and commitment.
Our Q3 2021 MOTQ exhibits all of these values and is a true testament to what progress can be made with a positive mindset, consistent dedication and a willingness to learn.
Ben Aubin
Read more2020 was a unique year; a challenging year for everyone for various reasons. At Bell City CrossFit, we want to start 2021 off on a positive celebratory note, by recognizing Ben Aubin as our Member of the Quarter for Q1 2021!!
Positivity is something that Ben brings to every class he attends. Coaches unanimously agree that they look forward to having him in class, not only because of his positive mindset and coachability, but also because he is super supportive of and encouraging to his classmates, especially at the break of dawn in the early 5:30am Group Class. He makes others feel comfortable and welcome in class and elevates the energy and atmosphere, we appreciate that!
Todd Johnsky
Read moreIn spite of having a demanding and time consuming job, as well as an incredible family of 4 kids with his wife, our Q4 BCCF MOTQ has consistently dedicated the time to improve his health and well being for his personal benefit, but for his family as well. Todd Johnsky has been a staple of our 6/6:30pm Group Class since he graduated Fundamentals in May, 2018 and the all around progress he’s made is a testament to his dedication, coachabilty and positive attitude.
Denise Portalatin-Mendoza
Read moreWhen considering a 2020 Q3 MOTQ at Bell City, we wanted to recognize someone who has gone above and beyond over the past several months while the gym was shut down to stay consistent in their training and to continue building a healthy lifestyle. Someone so hard-working, and humble inside and out of the gym, and who provides so much positive inspiration to others. That description is Denise all over!
During the day, Denise works as a Medical Assistant at a community health center providing access to world class care and services to uninsured and underinsured populations. She’s also a dedicated mother of 2 and still manages to always have a smile on her face.
Meg Robinson
Read moreAs we ring in the New Year, so must we also crown a new Member of the Quarter at Bell City CrossFit! The votes were cast, and the decision was unanimous. All of the Coaches agreed that Meg Robinson would be a perfect candidate to represent Bell City as our First Member of the Quarter in 2020.
Meg has been a Member of Bell City CrossFit since September, 2013. She’s been training consistently for over 6 years and due to her dedication and hard work, continues to make great strides in her fitness.
Charles Wiegert
Read moreIn the 4th Quarter of 2019, as the leaves change colors, and football season is in full effect, we look to the 5:30am group class for a Member whose consistency and dedication is unparalleled. Unless he’s on vacation, or his 2 boys got him sick, you can expect to see Charles Wiegert at every class, every week; Monday through Friday. And due to his coachability, positivity and strong work ethic, us Coaches love to see him there!
We recently rolled out Bell City CrossFit’s Vision along with our 10 Core Values. In addition to providing motivation and perspective to us on a daily basis, these also define what qualities we look for in a Member of the Quarter. Charles ticks all of the boxes, and when you read below, you can see why.
Daisha Rivera
Read moreIn the 3rd Quarter of 2019, we head to the 12:30pm group class to find someone who is dedicated to reaching and achieving her goals through consistency, hard work and commitment. She not only sees the value in CrossFit for herself, but has introduced several others to Bell City as a way to lead them towards a healthier lifestyle. Coachable, caring and supportive, yet fierce and determined, Daisha is a force to be reckoned with and a natural choice for Member of the Quarter.
You’ll most likely hear her grunting through her lifts, or see her dancing to whatever is playing (which is most likely NOT turned up enough for her liking). She’s one of our members who commits themselves to improvement and she has seen much in both skill (mastering double unders and cycling toes to bar like a pro), and strength (consistently PR’ing both Oly and Power lifts).
Wes Ott
Read moreLast quarter we learned a bit more about 5:30am faithful, Danielle G., Bell City’s first Member of the Quarter in 2019. Today, we congratulate Wes Ott, a founding member of the “Dirty 6:30pm” group class unanimously voted Bell City CrossFit’s Member of the Q2, 2019 by the coaching staff.
Consistent, humble, and hard-working are just a few of the PG-rated terms his peers and coaches use to describe Wes. Always attentive, while others in class may be off chasing butterflies; Wes encourages others while discreetly crushing workouts and managed to secure a 6th place spot on the BCCF 2019 Open Men’s Leaderboard.
Danielle Gambardella
Read moreOur first EVER Member of the Quarter goes to someone who has been a regular at the 5:30am group class for years. One of the most consistent members we have; if she’s not at the 5:30am group class...we worry. Not only is she extremely dedicated, but also super inclusive, friendly and CRAZY strong. Don’t underestimate her small stature, and kind nature, most don’t stand a chance against her in a fight.
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