This is the FINAL week of our Post-Strength Deadlift & Back Squat Progressive Overload Strength Cycle! Which means we're building to a 1-rep Deadlift on Monday and Back Squat on Friday. These tests will once again be performed post-workout and on a 25 minute clock to give us practice lifting heavier weight while fatigued in preparation for the 2024 CrossFit Open. These should be quality, full range of motion lifts programmed at an RPE 10.
Our CrossFit Open repeat workout this week is once again programmed for Saturday. We'll be retesting CrossFit Open Workout 22.1, a 15 minute AMRAP of Wall Walks, DB Snatches and Box Jump Overs. We've been revisiting a historical CrossFit Open workout for the past 6-weeks to allow ourselves time to practice some "Open-esq" workouts in preparation for the upcoming competition. Only 25 days until the announcement of 24.1!! Have you registered yet??
Speaking of preparation, join Coaches Brandon & Jaime this Friday, February 9th from 5:30-6:30pm for a Jump Rope and Toes to Bar Clinic! If you've been struggling with these skills, our CrossFit Open Crash Courses are a great way to build up your confidence and proficiency in a small group setting. Get plenty of individual attention and leave with a plan to continue your progress. Register using the ZenPlanner Member app, links below, or using the iPad Kiosk at the gym.
Let's take a look at what we have on tap this week! Here's your weekly rundown:
• MONDAY: (EFFORT) AMRAP x 10 Minutes Box Jumps, Russian KBS, Burpees. Post-Workout Strength Deadlift RPE 10 Build to a 1-Rep Deadlift.
• TUESDAY: (SPRINT) Skill EMOM x 6 Minutes Complete Gymnastics Pulling Option: 3-5 Pull-Ups, 2-3 Chest to Bars, 1-2 Ring Muscle-Ups. "CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF" 12 Rounds for Time Front Squats and Ring Muscle-Ups or Pull-Ups
• WEDNESDAY: (GRIND) Build to a Moderate-Heavy 5-Rep Push Jerk. Every 6:00 x 3 Sets Jump Rope, Bike, Shoulder to Overhead
• THURSDAY: (EFFORT) Skill EMOM x 7 Minutes Toes to Bar/Toes to Something Progression. AMRAP x 15 Minutes Run, T2B, Walking Lunges, Slam Balls
• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) 4 Rounds for Time Row, Up Downs, KB Goblet Squats. Post-Workout Strength Back Squat RPE 10 Build to a 1-Rep Back Squat.
• SATURDAY:(EFFORT) Strength EMOM x 10 Minutes Snatch, Wall Walks. CrossFit Open Workout 22.1 Wall Walks, Alt. DB Snatches, Box Jump Overs with Partner Option!
• Register NOW for the 2024 CrossFit Open! 3-Weeks, 3-Workouts Thursday, February 29th through Monday, March 18th
• CrossFit Open Crash Courses! Registration is OPEN!
• Session #1: Toes to Bar & Jump Rope (singles, doubles, crossovers) - Friday, Feb. 9th 5:30pm - 6:30pm
• Session #2: Pull-Ups/Chest to Bar & Inversions (Wall Walks, HSPU) - Friday, Feb. 16th 5:30pm - 6:30pm
• Session #3: Muscle Ups (Bar & Ring) & Inversions (Wall Facing HSPU, HS Walking) - Friday, February 23rd 5:30pm - 6:30pm
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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