The 2024 CrossFit Open kicks off next Thursday, February 29th!! In just 11 days, we'll find out what the first workout of the 2024 CrossFit Open Season will be...what are you hoping shows up this year?? Wall Walks? Cleans? Toes to Bar? Dumbbells?? Double Under CrossOvers??? Find out how to watch the first announcement featuring Jeff Adler, Brent Fikowski, Alex Gazan and Alexis Raptis HERE.
Register to compete before Monday, February 26th to be placed on a Bell City CrossFit Intramural Team!
You can gain an edge on the competition by registering for the final CrossFit Open Crash Course taking place this Friday, February 23rd from 5:30-6:30pm. The focus we be Muscle Ups (Bar & Ring) & Inversions (Wall Facing HSPU, HS Walking). Register via the ZenPlanner Member app, by selecting your profile, then "Purchase". You can also sign up using the link to the member connect website HERE or using the iPad kiosk at the gym.
This Saturday, we're throwing it back to 2011 for our CrossFit Open repeat workout. CrossFit Open Workout 11.3 is on a 5:00 running clock...Max Squat Clean & Jerks (165/110). We'll warm this up by building to a Heavy 1-Rep Clean & Jerk!
You can also look forward to a Classic CrossFit Hero WOD on Tuesday, "The Chief", 5-Sets of a 3:00 AMRAP...3 Power Cleans, 6 Push Ups, and 9 Air Squats! This was last seen on February 20th, 2024 and October 23, 2023 so check your previous results and look to improve! Let's make sure our movement standards are being met on the Push Ups, Air Squats and Power Cleans during this fast and furious workout.
Here's your weekly rundown:
• MONDAY: (EFFORT) AMRAP x 20 Minute Ascending Cals on the Rower and Box Jumps to a tall box, with a core finisher.
• TUESDAY: (EFFORT) Build to a Moderate 3-Rep TNG Power Clean. "The Chief" 5-Sets AMRAP x 3 Minutes Power Cleans, Push Ups, Air Squats... RPE 9!
• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) Extended Warm-Up Jump Rope, Shoulder to Overhead & Gymnastics Pulling Practice. 3 Rounds for Time Jump Rope, Shoulder to Overhead, Bar Muscle Ups or Pull-Ups.
• THURSDAY: (GRIND) Every 3:00 x 6-Sets Russian KBS, KB Goblet Lunges, Max Shuttle Runs.
• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) Practice Rope Climbs! AMRAP x 16 Minutes Bike, Rope Climbs, Toes to Bar, Burpees
• SATURDAY:(HEAVY) Coach @Melanie's First Saturday Class!! Build to a Heavy 1-Rep Clean & Jerk. Open Workout 11.3 On a 5:00 Running Clock...Max Squat Clean & Jerks (165/110) RPE 9!
• Register NOW for the 2024 CrossFit Open! 3-Weeks, 3-Workouts Thursday, February 29th through Monday, March 18th
• Register for the final CrossFit Open Crash Course!! This Friday, February 23rd from 5:30-6:30pm we'll be focusing on Muscle Ups (Bar & Ring) & Inversions (Wall Facing HSPU, HS Walking). Register via the ZenPlanner Member app, by selecting your profile, then "Purchase". You can also sign up using the link to the
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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