This week, we'll continue our 6-week Strength Cycle hitting 3x6 at a RPE 8/10 building to a Moderate-Heavy or Heavy weight and staying Moderate-Heavy or Heavy across all sets. Front/Overhead Squats are programmed for Wednesday and Bench Press is scheduled for Friday. Look to build slightly heavier than your 3x8 last week, assuming all went well (i.e. you completed all reps, with proper mechanics & ROM).
Quarterfinals kick off this Wednesday, April 17th with the announcement of 4 Quarterfinals workouts!! The workouts will be released on Wednesday at 3pm (EST) and athletes will submit their results on Saturday and Monday. If you see our competitors in the gym, please give them a fist bump and wish them GOOD LUCK in the competition!!
Also on tap this week, we'll practice some pull-ups and toes to bar on Monday, build to a moderate-heavy Deadlift on Tuesday and continue our GRIND capacity building focus with a 25 minute AMRAP on Thursday and a long chipper with Partner Option on Saturday.
Finally, Coach Melanie's LEGENDs class kicks off this Tuesday at 10am! Spread the word to your 55+ friends! This class runs every Tuesday/Thursday 10am starting April 16th. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!
Here's what's on tap for this week:
• MONDAY: (EFFORT) EMOM x 5 Chest to Bar/Pull-Ups, Toes to Bar/Something, AMRAP x 15 Minutes Toes to Bar, Bike, Chest to Bar, Shoulder to Overhead
• TUESDAY: (HEAVY) Build to a Moderate-Heavy 5-Rep Deadlift, For Time Run, Deadlifts
• WEDNESDAY: (SPRINT) 3x6 Overhead/Front Squat, Overhead/Front Squats, Box Jump Overs, Wall Balls
• THURSDAY: (QUALITY) AMRAP X 25 Minutes Cardio, KB/DB FRAK Hold, KB/DB Slides, Turkish Get-Ups Side Plank
• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) 3x6 Bench Press, On a 12:00 Running Clock....Max Burpees to Target* Every 2:00, including 0:00, complete 3 Bar Muscle-Ups or Strict Pull-Ups
• SATURDAY:(GRIND) Coach Jump Rope, Goblet Box Step Ups, Sit-Ups. Partner or Solo option!
• Bell City CrossFit Book Club: March-April "GRIT: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth
• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan! Book your session HERE!
• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Tuesday/Thursday 10am starting April 16th. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!
• Quarterfinals: April 17-22nd
Volume & Capacity Cycle 4/1-5/12
• W1 (4/1-4/6) - 3x10 (RPE 6)
• W2 (4/8-4/13) - 3x8 (RPE 7)
• W3 (4/15-4/20) - 3x6 (RPE 8)
• W4 (4/22-4/27) - 3x4 (RPE 9)
• W5 (4/29-5/4) - 3x10 Deload Week
• W6 (5/6-5/11) - 3RM Tests
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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