
Programming Sneak Peek (05/13-05/18)

Congrats to everyone who achieved a 3-rep Bench Press and/or Overhead/Front Squat PR last week! We saw some pretty awesome heavy lifts from you all last week and your coaches are proud of the effort you put in and the quality of movement demonstrated. Keep crushing it!

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Happy Mother's Day to all of our Strong BCCF Mommas 🌸🌺!  We hope you all enjoyed your day.

Congrats to everyone who achieved a 3-rep Bench Press and/or Overhead/Front Squat PR last week!  We saw some pretty awesome heavy lifts from you all last week and your coaches are proud of the effort you put in and the quality of movement demonstrated.  Keep crushing it!

Now that we've wrapped up our 6-week strength cycle, we'll go back to GPP lifting, which will consist of both barbell complexes and strength days. There won't be a linear progression behind them, but we will continue to get stronger by varying our strength movements.  Varied...Not Random.  This week we'll see Deadlifts and Back Squats as well as a Power Clean and a Shoulder to Overhead complex.

Your Week 3 Murph extra credit work this week is provided on Monday and Friday.  You can also refer to this extra credit work at the end of this email and get it done when you can.  If you haven't already, please be sure to sign up for Murph HERE, then reserve yourself into the 7:30am, 9:00am or 10:30am heat using the ZenPlanner or SugarWOD scheduler.  You can also sign up your mini-me for "Mini-Murph" at 10:00am!

Here's what's on tap for this week:

• MONDAY: (EFFORT) AMRAP x 15 Minutes Jump Rope, Deadlifts, Dips, V-Ups

• TUESDAY: (SPRINT) Build to a Mod-Heavy 5-Rep Back Squat. 5 Rounds for Time Thrusters & Burpees/Burpees Over Bar

• WEDNESDAY: (GRIND) 6-Sets for Max Reps Box Jumps, Plate Ground to Overhead, Cal Bike

• THURSDAY: (EFFORT) Skill Work: Kipping Pull-Ups, For Time Pull-Ups/Ring Rows & Run

• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) EMOM x 8 Power Clean, Hang Power Clean. Benchmark Workout "The Chief"

• SATURDAY:(EFFORT) Build to a Moderate-Heavy Complex...1 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks. Partner Workout in Teams of 2 AMRAP x 15 Minutes 7 Toes to Bar/Something, 7 Push Press.  Or Solo 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Toes to Bar/Something & Push Press


• Murph, Saturday, May 25th!!  Murph registration is LIVE!  Register to participate, then reserve your space in one of three heats, 7:30, 9:00 or 10:30am.  

• Mini Murph for kids will take place at 10:00am, register your child HERE!

• Bring a Friend WEEK!! Saturday, June 1 - Saturday, June 8th!! Friends Register HERE!! Enjoy a full week for FREE and you do not have to attend the same class as your friend.

• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan!  Book your session HERE!

• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!

Murph Extra Credit: Week 3


1 Mile Run

-Rest 2:30-


800m Run

-Rest 2:00-


400m Run

-Rest 1:00-


200m Run

*Just under 2 miles of running so we are basically at Murph volume! Try to keep a consistent effort/ pace through each distance. Main focus is the 1 Mile run and ensuring you can almost fully recover in that 2:30 rest window. Focus on nasal breathing to lower the HR to hit the next run with some aggression!        



MIN 1 - :30 Max Pull-Ups

MIN 2 - :30 Max Push-Ups

MIN 3 - :30 Max Air Squats

*Goal is to find a movement adjustment that only forces 1 break in the :30 window. If proficient with these movements, this will be good volume work still aiming for no more than 1 break. On Air Squats complete ODD Rounds at a controlled steady pace, and EVEN Rounds at a faster pace still ensuring full ROM.  



800m Run

Into Athlete's Choice (Pick ONE)...


10 Pull-Ups

20 Push-Ups

30 Air Squats



5 Pull-Ups

10 Push-Ups

15 Air Squats


800m Run

*Similar to what we saw at the end of last week with a bit more volume. If bodyweight ninjas, try to work the bigger sets of 10-20-30 and see if you can maintain consistent rounds. If last week was tough, stick to the smaller rounds of 5-10-15 and still focus on keeping rounds around 1:00-1:30.

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Schedule your no-sweat intro

Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!

Schedule No Sweat Intro
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Schedule a No-Sweat Intro

Knowing who to talk to or where to start when you're trying to improve your health and wellness can be challenging.  We're here to help!

Book a no pressure intro to speak one-on-one with one of our expert Coaches who will listen to your goals and make recommendations based on the services that we provide.