
Programming Sneak Peek (07/01-07/6)

Great job to everyone who completed all 3 of our Mid-Year Challenge workouts! It was fun watching you all throw down over the past 3 weeks. Official Leaderboard results will be communicated soon!

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Last week, we wrapped up our Mid-Year Challenge with "THE DESCENT", a doozie of a workout that left most of us lying on the floor trying to catch our breath and get our legs back...  Great job to everyone who completed all 3 of our Mid-Year Challenge workouts!  It was fun watching you all throw down over the past 3 weeks. Official Leaderboard results will be communicated soon!

This week, we'll run a modified holiday schedule on Thursday, July 4th offering classes at 7:45am and 9:00am.  We'll start the July 4th holiday off with a bang with the Hero workout, "Bradshaw" honoring U.S. Army 1st Lt. Brian Bradshaw, 24, of Steilacoom, Washington, who was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Fort Richardson, Arkansas, and died in Kheyl, Afghanistan, on June 25, 2009, from wounds suffered when insurgents detonated a roadside bomb near his vehicle.

Next week (week of 7/8), we kick off an Olympic Weightlifting cycle centered around the Snatch + Clean & Jerk, which will culminate in a 1RM test at the end of August!  In preparation for that cycle, this week, we'll work on Snatches on Tuesday and Clean + Shoulder to Overhead on Saturday.  Then, during the week of 7/8, you'll have the opportunity to build to something heavy in these two lifts that can be used to base percentages off of during the cycle.

Huge shout out to Coach Makayla and Coach Addy for running a fantastic BCCF Kids Camp last week!  The campers had a blast and cannot wait for the next one!  Our next Kids Camp takes place Monday, July 29 - Friday, August 2 9:15am - 11:45am.  Spread the word and sign up your kids for a week full of fun activities and new friends to help them develop a lifelong love for fitness!  Registration link below!

Weekly rundown:

• MONDAY: (EFFORT) Rope Climb Practice!  EMOM x 16 Minutes, Box Jumps, Burpees, Rope Climbs, Run

• TUESDAY: (SPRINT) Build to a Moderate-Heavy Complex 1 Hang Power Snatch + 2 Squat Snatch.  Every 2:00 x 4-Sets, Hang Power Snatches & Max Wall Balls in Remaining Time

• WEDNESDAY: (GRIND) For Time Rowing and Sit-Ups

• THURSDAY: (EFFORT) July 4th Holiday Schedule!  7:45am and 9:00am Classes!  All memberships welcome.  Hero Workout "Bradshaw". 10 Rounds for Time Handstand Push-Ups, Deadlifts, Pull-Ups, Jump Rope

• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) Temp Back Squat (31x1) 4x5.  AMRAP x 15 Minutes Renegade Rows, DB Front Squats, Bike

• SATURDAY:(SPRINT) Build to a Moderate-Heavy Complex 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 2 Shoulder to Overhead.  2 Rounds for Time Run + Power Clean & Jerks


• BRING A FRIEND FREE!! Saturday, July 6th 7:45am or 9:00am Group Classes. Friends REGISTER HERE!

• Bell City CrossFit Kids Camps!! Monday through Friday 9:15-11:45am.

           • Week 2: Monday, July 29 - Friday, August 2

• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan!  Book your session HERE!

• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!

• Some folks are signing up for the New England Spartan Super on August 17th at the Carter and Stevens Farm in Barre, MA.  Use discount code SGX240024. Sign up for early morning and at the end you have option to join team Bellcity CrossFit!

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