
Programming Sneak Peek (08/19-08/24)

Congratulations to everyone who PR'd their Snatch and/or Clean & Jerk last week. We hope you found the past 6-week Olympic Weightlifting cycle helpful in gaining a better understanding of and more comfort with these more complicated lifts.

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Sandy memorial workout

Congratulations to everyone who PR'd their Snatch and/or Clean & Jerk last week.  We hope you found the past 6-week Olympic Weightlifting cycle helpful in gaining a better understanding of and more comfort with these more complicated lifts.

This Friday, we'll be celebrating Sandy Schroeder's birthday with a Memorial WOD dedicated to her.  Sandy was a very special member and strong supporter of Bell City CrossFit for 2 years, since February, 2022. Earlier this year, in April, 2024 she passed away after fighting her battle with cancer 💔.  

The memorial workout "Sandy" will be programmed for all group classes on Friday and it includes some of her favorite movements.  Sandy worked hard at the gym and was driven to improve her strength, mobility and conditioning.  She would regularly attend Open Gym before or after class to warm up for the workout ahead, or include some accessory work into her training.  Over her 2 years at Bell City, she made so much progress as a result of her dedication and consistency and made a lasting impact on the community and Coaches. This Friday we'll remember our dear friend and pay tribute to her dedication and enthusiasm with a workout we hope she'd enjoy.

This week, we'll also work on our Sumo Deadlifts on Monday, incorporate inversion skill work on Wednesday, and we'll re-test the benchmark workout "Supersonic" on Saturday.


• MONDAY: (SPRINT) 5-5-5-5 Sumo Deadlift, Start Moderate and end Moderate-Heavy. Complete 8/8 DB Goblet Split Squats (Athlete Choice) b/t each set. Every 2:00 x 6 Sets, Bike & Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

• TUESDAY: (EFFORT) AMRAP X 16 Minutes DB Farmer's Carry, Box Jumps, DB Farmer's Box Step Ups, Rope Climbs. Post workout skill.

• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) Choose a Pressing Complex: Strict Handstand Push-Ups + Kipping Handstand Push-Ups, DB Strict Press + DB Push Press, 5 Rounds for Time HSPU/DB Strict Press, Front Squats, Burpees Over Bar

• THURSDAY: (GRIND) Partner Workout: In Teams of 2...AMRAP x 30 Minutes Run, Toes to Bar, Goblet Lunges, Jump Rope (SOLO OPTION AVAILABLE)

• FRIDAY: (GRIND) Sandy's Memorial WOD

• SATURDAY:(EFFORT) Build to a Heavy 2-Rep TNG Power Clean, "Supersonic" 20 RFT 1 Power Clean, 2 Box Jump Overs, 3 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups


• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan!  Book your session HERE!

• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!

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