
Programming Sneak Peek (08/26-08/31)

We are heading into the last week in August, and what a great month of fitness it has been! We hope you noticed some improvement in technique and/or strength as we progressed through the month.

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Marrissa front squatting

We are heading into the last week in August, and what a great month of fitness it has been!   The highlight being the 1RM attempts for both the Clean & Jerk and Snatch to end our Olympic Lifting Cycle, but also the increased pressing volume for both the Push-Up and the Handstand Push-Up that showed up once a week.  We hope you noticed some improvement in technique and/or strength as we progressed through the month.

Looking ahead to September, this month we will focus on GPP strength training with 2-3 lifts or lifting complexes per week. These are not a linear progression and will not culminate in a 1RM test, but the continued exposure to various lifts and loads will help us continue to gain strength!

Kicking off the month we have Hotshots 19 on Labor Day along with a retest of the classic Kelly. Speaking of Labor Day, on Monday, September 2nd, we will run 2 Holiday Group Classes; 7:45am and 9:00am.  All other classes are cancelled for the day, but Open Gym will be available for those members with OG memberships.

On 9/11, we will run our tribute workout “Stand Tall” to commemorate the events that took place on that day…this is an important one so mark your calendars.

We will continue to see 1-2 SPRINT workouts to push our pace along with 1-2 FLEX finishers weekly. Our gymnastics focus will center around the Ring Muscle-Up and building efficiency with this high skill movement! Lastly, we will see at least one big chipper workout each week…a format that delivers some of the most fun and exciting workouts!

And don't forget the annual 100-Day Burpee Challenge kicking off September 12th and running through December 20th! Will you accept the challenge this year??


• MONDAY: (SPRINT) 5x5 Tempo Deadlifts (31X1) *Use the same Moderate weight for all sets. AMRAP x 8 Minutes Jump Rope and Deadlifts

• TUESDAY: (EFFORT) 4-Sets Run, Pull-Ups/Ring Rows, Pistols/Air Squats

• WEDNESDAY: (GRIND) EVERY 1:30 x 8 SETS 1 Power Snatch + 2 Hang Snatch *Start Light and end Moderate-Heavy. Option for Squat or Power. FOR TIME 100 Alt. DB Devils Press

• THURSDAY: (EFFORT) EMOM x 20 Minutes Bike, Box Jumps, Sit-Ups. Banded Bodybuilding Finisher.

• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) Build to a Moderate-Heavy 3-Rep Overhead or Front Squat. For Time Row, Overhead or Front Squats

• SATURDAY:(HEAVY) In Teams of 2 AMRAP x 15 Minutes Toes to Bar/Something, Sumo Deadlifts, Muscle-Ups or Pull-Ups Solo option available.


• The Masters CrossFit Games kick off on Thursday, August 29th!  Check out the events streaming here:  Legends Championship YouTube Channel Be on the lookout for Coach MeLo and Roland as they compete in the Legends Classic Masters Team Competition!

• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan!  Book your session HERE!

• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!

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