Our annual 100-Day Burpee Challenge kicks off this Thursday, September 12th! Sign up at the gym this week on the clipboard at the Coach's Station to participate. Anyone who successfully completes the burpee challenge and has all of their boxes checked at the end of the 100-days (Friday, December 20th) will be entered to win ONE FREE MONTH at BELL CITY CROSSFIT! As a reminder....
• Burpees completed in a programmed group class workout do not count towards your total for the day. These are extra credit burpees. 😈
• You must mark your progress off on the clipboard at the gym.
• You cannot "BANK" burpees to be used at a future date! They must be completed on the day required or made up after.
This Wednesday marks the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. We'll once again pay tribute to those lives lost and the heroic efforts of the first responders involved with the Hero WOD "STAND TALL". This is an RPE 9 GRIND workout with a 45-minute time cap.
Continuing our focus on GPP, we'll work on our Clean & Jerks on Monday, incorporate more Dumbbell work on Thursday, build to a heavy single Front Squat on Friday and work on Power Snatches and gymnastics pulling option of your choice on Saturday.
• MONDAY: (HEAVY) EMOM x 10 Minutes Clean & Jerk. 10 Rounds for Time Clean & Jerks & Jump Rope.
• TUESDAY: (EFFORT) EMOM x 20 Minutes: Up Downs, DB Goblet Lunges, Push Ups. Bodybuilding Finisher.
• WEDNESDAY: (GRIND) "STAND TALL" For Time: 2001 Row, into...9 Rounds 11 Deadlifts, 11 Box Jumps, 11 Pull-Ups..into 2001m Run.
• THURSDAY: (EFFORT) Every 5:00 x 4-Sets, Sit Ups, DB Strict Press, DB Push Press, Max Cal Bike.
• FRIDAY: (SPRINT) 3-3-3-2-2-1 Front Squat. 5-Sets AMRAP x 2 Minutes Front Squats, Burpees Over Bar.
• SATURDAY:(GRIND) EMOM x 10 Minutes: TNG Power Snatches & Gymnastics Pulling. For Time Workout Power Snatches, Ring Muscle Ups or Pull-Ups. Partner & Solo Options available!
• 100-Day Burpee Challenge: Sign up at the Coach's Station! Starts Thursday, September 12!
• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan! Book your session HERE!
• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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