
Programming Sneak Peek (10/21-10/26)

We're heading into week 3 of our 6 week 5-3-1 Strength Cycle, bumping up our RPEs and hitting 1x3 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x3+ @ RPE 9. You'll see Back Squats on Tuesday, Push Press on Wednesday and Deadlift on Friday this week. Be sure to record your results in SugarWOD to help prepare for the upcoming weeks!

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Trunk or Treat 2024 Infographic

We're heading into week 3 of our 6 week 5-3-1 Strength Cycle, bumping up our RPEs and hitting 1x3 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x3+ @ RPE 9.  You'll see Back Squats on Tuesday, Push Press on Wednesday and Deadlift on Friday this week.  Be sure to record your results in SugarWOD to help prepare for the upcoming weeks!

This is also week #3 of our optional box step up finishers for those that would like a little extra preparation for the upcoming Hero Workout "Chad" programmed for Veteran's Day, November 11. As a reminder, these are optional finishers and can be completed before/after class, at home or during Open Gym hours.  This week's finisher is programmed on Friday and is 600/400 Alt. Box Step-Ups (24/20) for quality.

Also, this Saturday, October 26th we'll host our 2nd annual Trunk or Treat Potluck!  The event will kick off at 5:30pm. Decorate your trunk, bring a dish to share and enjoy some fun & games!


• MONDAY: (HEAVY) Skill EMOM Power Snatches & Gymnastics. 15 Rounds for Time: Power Snatch & Ring Muscle Up or Burpee Pull-Up

• TUESDAY: (SPRINT) 1x3 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x3+ @ RPE 9 Back Squat. EMOM X 12 Minutes Front Squats & Jump Rope

• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) 1x3 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x3+ @ RPE 9 Push Press. 3-Sets AMRAP x 5 Minutes run, DB Overhead Lunge, Alt. Devil's Press

• THURSDAY: (GRIND) Partner Workout AMRAP x 30 Minutes Cal Row, Box Jumps, Toes to Bar/Something, Pull-Ups/Ring Rows (Solo Option Available)

• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) 1x3 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x3+ @ RPE 9 Deadlift. Hero Workout "DT" 5 Rounds of 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks

• SATURDAY:(GRIND) Partner Workout For Time 100-80-60-40-20 Cal Bike & Wall Balls (Complete 20 Synchro Push-Ups after each round (Solo Option Available)


• 100-Day Burpee Challenge Day #39!

• Saturday, October 26: Trunk or Treat at Bell City CrossFit!

• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan!  Book your session HERE!

• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!

5-3-1 Strength Cycle 10/7-11/18 (Deadlift/ Back Squat/ Push Press)

• Week 1 - 1RM Tests

• Week 2 - 3x5 @ (RPE 7)

• Week 3 - 3x3 @ (RPE 8)

• Week 4 - 5-3-1 @ (RPE 7-8-9)

• Week 5 - Deload

• W6 - 1RM Retests

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Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!

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Knowing who to talk to or where to start when you're trying to improve your health and wellness can be challenging.  We're here to help!

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