First of all, don't forget to RSVP to our Trunk or Treat and Halloween Party taking place at the gym this Saturday, October 28th from 5:30pm - 9pm!!
At the gym this week, we're heading into Deload Week in our strength cycle, getting in some reps with 12-10-8 on the Power Clean (Monday), Overhead or Front Squat (Wednesday) and Bench Press (Thursday). These are RPE 5 efforts, meaning sub-maximal, light to moderate loading in anticipation of our test outs next week. Focus is on technique and preparation for next week.
The classic Hero Workout "The Chief" is programmed on Monday and another new benchmark workout "Life In HD" is scheduled for Friday. Don't forget to log these results into SugarWOD so you can reflect back the next time they're programmed!
Burpee Challengers!! Today is Day # 39!! Catch up! We've barely even scratched the surface of this challenge and the best part is yet to come! Remember, if you're successful on day 100, you'll be entered to win 1-free month of training! Check those boxes! ✅
Here's your weekly rundown:
• MONDAY: (EFFORT) 12-10-8 Power Cleans + Hero WOD "The Chief"
• TUESDAY: (GRIND) 2 Rounds for Time: Row, Sit-Ups, Bike, Up-Downs to a Plate + Optional "CHAD" Finisher
• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) 12-10-8 Overhead or Front Squats + 3 x 5 Minute AMRAP, Squats Double Unders, Thrusters!!
• THURSDAY: (QUALITY) EMOM x 16 Minutes Cardio, Slamballs, Rope Climbs, Static Hold + Post Workout Strength 12-10-8 Bench Press
• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) Benchmark workout "Life in HD" For Time 3 Rounds Run, Deadlift, HSPU/
HRPU, then 21-15-9 KB Swings, Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull-Ups
• SATURDAY: (EFFORT) AMRAP x 16 Minutes Toes to Bar, Back Rack Lunges, Box Jump Overs with Partner Option + Finisher
• 100-Day Burpee Challenge: DAY 39!! Thursday, September 14th through Friday, December 22nd!!
• Please RSVP: Halloween Trunk or Treat/Party, Saturday, October 28th
• Saturday, November 11th: Hero WOD: "Chad". Check SugarWOD for Extra Credit post workout prep on Tuesday this week, 600/400 Alt. Box Step-Ups (24/20)
October Strength Cycle
Power Clean / Overhead Squat / Bench Press
• W1 - 10-8-6-8-6-4
• W2 - 8-6-4-6-4-2
• W3 - 6-4-2-4-3-2
• W4 - 12-10-8 (Deload Week)
• W5 - Test Power Clean / Overhead Squat / Bench Press
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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