Thanks to everyone who came out to our 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday evening! It was another successful event, and we hope you all thoroughly enjoyed yourselves! Reminder that this Thursday is Halloween and we'll be running a modified holiday schedule. On Thursday, we'll offer a 5:30am, 8:00am, 12:00pm and 4:30pm group class only. The 5:30pm and 6:30pm group classes are cancelled and the 4:30pm class will be a combined Circuit Breaker & CrossFit class. You can expect the super spooky Halloween workout "Trick or Treat" programmed for Thursday!
On Saturday, we'll run our monthly "Bring a Friend" event. So, bring a friend, family member, neighbor, co-worker or acquaintance to the gym for a FREE workout! You can expect a great EFFORT workout with Rowing, Box Jumps/Step Ups and Russian Kettlebell swings. Friends register HERE!
This week, we head into week 4 of our 6-week 5-3-1 Strength Cycle, which means we'll tackle 1x5 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x1+ @ RPE 9 bumping up your number slightly from last week. Push press is programmed for Monday, Deadlift on Tuesday and Back Squat on Friday this week. Next week (week 5/6), we'll de-load our lifts in preparation for our 1-RM re-tests in Week 6!
Looking ahead to November, we'll see several notable benchmark workouts throughout the month, starting with CHAD on Veteran's Day, Monday, November 11th. We will end the month with a Thanksgiving and Back Friday workout to really make sure we have something to be thankful for! We have stuffed a lot into this month, so hang on for the ride!
• MONDAY: (EFFORT) 1x5 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x1+ @ RPE 9 Push Press. AMRAP X 16 MINUTES 400M Run, 10 Shoulder to Overhead, 40 Walking Lunges.
• TUESDAY: (HEAVY) 1x5 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x1+ @ RPE 9 Deadlift. FOR TIME: 40 Box Jump Overs, 20 Deadlifts, 30 Box Jump Overs, 10 Deadlifts.
• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) INVERSION SKILL WORK. Every 3:00 x 5-Sets Cal Bike, Burpees, Max Handstand Push-Ups or Max DB Shoulder Press.
• THURSDAY: (EFFORT) HALLOWEEN HOLIDAY SCHEDULE! Clean Complex: Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean. "Trick or Treat" Double Unders, Toes to Bar/Something, Power Cleans.
• FRIDAY: (SPRINT) 1x5 @ RPE 7 / 1x3 @ RPE 8 / 1x1+ @ RPE 9 Back Squat. AMRAP x 8 Minutes, DB Thrusters, Chest to Bar Pull-Ups.
• SATURDAY:(EFFORT) Bring a Friend Saturday!! In Teams of 2, AMRAP x 30 Minutes 80/65 Cal Row, 60 Russian KBS, 40 Box Jumps. Solo Option available.
• 100-Day Burpee Challenge Day #46!
• Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Holiday Schedule: 5:30am, 8:00am, 12:00pm, 4:30pm (CB + CF hybrid class)
• Saturday, November 2nd: 7:45am & 9:00am Bring a Friend for a FREE workout! Friends register HERE!
• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan! Book your session HERE!
• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!
5-3-1 Strength Cycle 10/7-11/18 (Deadlift/ Back Squat/ Push Press)
• Week 1 - 1RM Tests
• Week 2 - 3x5 @ (RPE 7)
• Week 3 - 3x3 @ (RPE 8)
• Week 4 - 5-3-1 @ (RPE 7-8-9)
• Week 5 - Deload
• W6 - 1RM Retests
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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