What a week that was! We truly had a little bit of everything. We had some good weightlifting, lots of pull ups, and we even got upside-down for a bit. Leading into the Holiday Season, keep an eye out for schedule change updates as the end of the month approaches.
In case you missed it! Mark your calendars and save the dates! We are collecting new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots from December 6-December 15th. Donation box is in the front office. Keep an eye out for more information on the New Year Nutrition Kickstart starting January 27th. And finally, save the date for the BCCF Annual Holiday Party on Saturday January 18th from 3pm-6pm at Kinsmen Brewing Co.
We have a solid week of training in store for you this week. We've got more classic CrossFit work as well as some lifting and skill work on some movements we don't get to do very often! We will also be taking on Hero Workout "ROY" on Saturday in honor of SGT Michael Roy. More on SGT Roy HERE.
We will kick off Monday with a 10-8-6-4 Overhead or Front Squat, Ring Muscle Up/ Pull Up skill work with running and DB Step Ups on Tuesday, Moderate-Heavy Power Snatch and Biking EMOM on Wednesday, Gymnastics Pressing and Dip work on Thursday, Heavy 3-Rep Bench with DB Thrusters, Lunges, and Shuttle Runs on Friday, Hero Workout "ROY" on Saturday, and finish off Sunday with more Choice Cardio, Core Work, and Wall Walks.
• MONDAY: (SPRINT) 10-8-6-4 Overhead/Front Squat... 9:00 AMRAP: Jump Rope, Burpees, OHS/FS
• TUESDAY: (EFFORT) 30 Ring Muscle Ups or 50 Pull Ups For Time... with a catch...
• WEDNESDAY: (HEAVY) 10 Min to build to 1-Rep Power Snatch. EMOM Bike and Power Snatch
• THURSDAY: (EFFORT) Gymnastics Pressing practice...Rowing and Toes To Bar
• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) Build to 3 Rep Bench Press... AMRAP DB Thruster, Front Rack Lunges, Shuttle Runs
• SATURDAY:(GRIND) "ROY" 5 Rounds Deadlifts, Box Jumps, Pull Ups
• SUNDAY: (GRIND) 30 Min AMRAP Choice Cardio, Sit Ups, Wall Walks
• 100-Day Burpee Challenge Day #88!
• Toys For Tots: Dec 6-Dec 15
• COMING SOON…New Year Nutrition Kickstart beginning on January 27th!
• BCCF Holiday Party at Kinsman Brewing Sat January 18th 3-6pm
• CrossFit Open Registration Begins Jan 15
• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan! Book your session HERE!
• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more!
Have a great week, Bell City CrossFit!
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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