🙌 We saw tons of you smash PRs this past week! That's great news! Your hard work is paying off.
This week marks the first week of the 2025 CrossFit Games Open. We have had a lot of lead-up this year already! We peaked our strength movements and retested workouts from years past.
If you are unfamiliar, the Open is a worldwide remote competition and the first leg in the competitive CrossFit season. It is also a fantastic community event that brings gyms together. This year's Open consists of 1 workout per week for the next 3 weeks. You can officially register HERE. If you'd like to participate in our intramural Open just for fun, you can sign up on the sheet at the front of the gym for free.
Whether you are registered or not, the workout will be our group class workout on Fridays the next three weeks. The workouts are announced on Thursdays and you have from then until Monday to log a score. For those officially competing, movement standards will be strictly enforced. We may be in need of some certified judges. You can take the judges course HERE.
Some Additional Announcements:
📢March 2 will be the first Sunday of the month; that means it's time for another Bring A Friend Day! Friends can register for FREE HERE!
🍎Congratulations to everyone who partook in the Nutrition Challenge! The results are speaking for themselves! Let's continue the healthy changes we made going forward!
Outside of the Open, we are operating on a normal training schedule this week. Monday, we have a heavy Clean and Jerk EMOM. Hero Workout "Taylor" on Tuesday. Wednesday we have a Shoulder To Overhead Complex followed by Double Unders, Rowing, and Shoulder To Overhead for the workout. Thursday will be a Recovery/Quality workout in preparation for the Open. Open Workout 25.1 TBA on Friday. Saturday we'll hit a long chipper of Wall Balls, Toes To Bar, and Deadlifts. And we will conclude the week Sunday with a 30 Min AMRAP of Machine Cals, Pull Ups, Push Ups, and Burpees for BAF Day.
Here's your weekly rundown:
· MONDAY: (HEAVY) EMOM 21 HeavyClean
· TUESDAY: (EFFORT)Gymnastics Practice then... "Taylor"
· WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) EMOM 7Min: 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk. 15 Min AMRAP Double Unders, Row Cals, ShoulderTo Overhead
· THURSDAY: (QUALITY) ChoiceCardio, KBS, Sit Ups, Lunges, Plank
· FRIDAY: (?????) OpenWorkout 25.1 TBA
· SATURDAY: (GRIND) ChipperStyle Wall Balls, Box Jumps, Deadlifts
· SUNDAY: (GRIND) AMRAP Machine Cals, Pull Ups, Push Ups, DB Movements, Burpees
CrossFit Open Registration: Register by Feb 27 HERE
Bring A Friend Day March 2. Friends Sign Up HERE
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