
Programming Sneak Peek (2/3-2/9)

This week, we'll continue our Tempo Strength Cycle with 5X1 Front Squats and Deadlifts at a 20X1 tempo. This means we are once again increasing load (intensity) and decreasing our volume and tempo duration. This will be the last training week of the cycle before we deload and retest in the coming weeks!

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What's Up BCCF,

Welcome to the first full week of February! Here is your programming update for the week:

This week, we'll continue our Tempo Strength Cycle with 5X1 Front Squats and Deadlifts at a 20X1 tempo. This means we are once again increasing load (intensity) and decreasing our volume and tempo duration. This will be the last training week of the cycle before we deload and retest in the coming weeks!

Our Open Redo this week will be 17.4: a 13 minute AMRAP of Deadlifts, Wall Balls, Row Calories, and Handstand Push Ups!

In case you missed some announcements:  

The 2025 CrossFit Games Open begins THIS month! Register by Feb 27! Check out more of the 2025 Season HERE.

Don't forget to register for our Pelvic Health Workshop!  This Saturday, February 8th, Dr. Kayla Olson, PT, DPT & Dr. Caitlyn Hauswirth-Varis, PT, DPT, OCS, CFMT, CF-L1 will provide an in-depth session on pelvic floor health, managing intra-abdominal pressure, and modifications for pregnancy, postpartum, and performance.  If you’ve ever wondered why you leak during lifts, jumping, or running—or just want to optimize your training—this is for you!  Sign up HERE!

This week, we are continuing our skill development leading into the Open. We will start he week Monday with EMOM Double Unders, Handstand Push Ups, KB Swings, and Rope Climbs. Tuesday we have our Tempo Front Squats and a Running/Front Squat AMRAP. Ring Muscle Up skill work on Wednesday with Box Jumps and DB Snatch. 10 Rounds of Biking, Toes To Bar, and Burpees on Thursday. Tempo Deadlift and Open 17.4 on Friday, Box Jump, Push Jerk, Pull Up Chipper on Saturday. Then we will finish off the week with some Running and Bodyweight movements for Sunday.    


Week 1 – Test 1RM Front Squat & Deadlift

Week 2 – 5x4 (32X1) FS / (31X1) DL

Week 3 – 5x3 (31X1) FS / (31X1) DL

Week 4 – 5x2 (21X1) FS / (21X1) DL

Week 5 – 5x1 (20X1) FS / (20X1) DL <--- You Are Here

Week 6 – Deload

Week 7 – Retest

Here's your weekly rundown:

• MONDAY: (EFFORT) EMOM 1: Double Unders + Max HSPU, 2: Double Unders + Max KB Swings, 3: Rope Climbs

• TUESDAY: (SPRINT) 5x1 Tempo Front Squats (20X1) then AMRAP Run, Front Squat, Run, Lunge

• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) Ring Muscle Up Practice... 3 Rounds: Box Jumps, DB Snatch, Ring Muscle Ups

• THURSDAY: (GRIND) 10 Rounds: Bike, Toes To Bar, Burpees

• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) 5x1 Tempo Deadlifts (20X1) Open Workout 17.4

• SATURDAY: (EFFORT) 4x3 Push Jerk then, Box Jump Overs, Push Jerks, Pull Up Chipper

• SUNDAY: (GRIND) AMRAP Running, Sit Ups, Lunges, Up Downs, Dips


• Pelvic Health Workshop Feb 8 from 10:30am-12:00pm Sign Up HERE!

• CrossFit Open Registration: Register by Feb 27! Register HERE!

• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan!  Book your session HERE!

• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class!  Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am.  Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more

Have a great week everyone!

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