Hey Bell City!
25.2 is in the books! Great work on those Thrusters and Pull Ups. Here's what we have in store as we enter the final week of the Open.
Remember to get your scores for 25.2 in by 8pm Monday Night!
This week's theme is Team Spirit! You'll be representing your Intramural Team, so be on the lookout for more information from your team Captains. They will be reaching out to plan what your team will be wearing!
Come on down for Friday Night Lights this week at 5:30p and watch your team captains throw down on 25.3 head to head!
• Squat Squad: Coach Makayla and Coach Rob
• Purple Cobras: Coach Marisa and Coach Brandon
• Double Up Or Shut Up: Jackie and Coach Ethan
Here's a look ahead at the week leading into 25.3. Monday we have heavy Split Jerk with a Shoulder To Overhead and Double Under EMOM. Tuesday we have some Gymnastics Practice with Biking, Air Squats, and Strict Pull Ups. We have a Clean Complex with a Box Jump, Hang Power Clean, Deadlift, and Up Down burner on Wednesday. Flow and Glow Quality work on Thursday to recover for the Open. Friday is 25.3, the FINAL Open workout of the year. Saturday we have a chipper style Run, Toes To Bar, and Snatch workout. Sunday another Quality day: EMOM Rowing, Lunges, Dips, Static Holds.
Here's your weekly rundown:
• MONDAY: (SPRINT) 3-3-2-2-1 Split Jerk... EMOM DB Shoulder To Overhead and Double Unders
• TUESDAY: (EFFORT) Pull Up Practice... AMRAP Bike Cals, Air Squats, Strict Pull Ups
• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) Clean Complex. For Time: Box Jumps, Hang Power Cleans, Deadlifts, Up Downs
• THURSDAY: (QUALITY) Cardio Choice, Sit Ups, Wall Balls, Lunges, Push Ups
• FRIDAY: (?????) Open Workout 25.TBA
• SATURDAY: (GRIND) Running, Toes To Bar, Power Snatch Chipper
• SUNDAY: (GRIND) EMOM Row, Lunges, Dips, Choice Static Hold
• Captains Throwdown 3/14 @5:30pm!
• 25.3 Theme: Team Spirit
• Troubleshooting Sessions with Coach Ethan! Book your session HERE!
• Bell City CrossFit Legends Class! Every Tuesday/Thursday at 10am. Book a No Sweat Intro with Coach Melanie HERE to learn more
Have a great week everyone!
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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