Happy Sunday, Bell City CrossFit!
First and foremost, a HUGE BCCF CONGRATULATIONS 🥳 to Paul and Megan Hammell on their marriage this weekend!! Paul has been a member at Bell City since September, 2015 and Megan joined him in November, 2022 after being a dedicated member of CrossFit Plainville for many years. They have helped the gym tremendously over the years, and we have Paul to thank for the durability & integrity of the rigs at the gym! We wish you both a lifetime of happiness together and are so thankful for all of your contributions to Bell City!
Heading into the last week of September, we have some great workouts programmed! 3x6 Overhead Squats or Front Squats on Monday, continuing our Jump Rope focus + Deadlifts on Tuesday followed by the classic CrossFit Benchmark Workout "Cindy" programmed for Wednesday (last seen on April 29th, 2023). Thursday is a great Partner Workout GRIND, and on Friday we'll see some heavy Power Snatches programmed.
Looking ahead to the month of October, we're going to kick off our final two strength cycles of the year! We will see wave loading for two different sets of movements, and October will revolve around the Power Clean, Bench Press, and Overhead Squat. We will see these movements once a week in a strength session that will gradually build us to heavy doubles and then finish off with a 1RMattempt. While this won’t be a test/ retest strength cycle because it’s so short we are confident we can see some serious progress over the 5 weeks to puta nice bow on the end of the year. We will also see a gymnastics skill session once a week to help continue the things we learned/ improved upon throughout the year! Check out the outline below for more detailed info.
The overall conditioning through the end of the year will get back to more consistent GPP…this means we will see a more even split of time domains across the weeks which will prime us nicely for the CF Open that’s right around the corner!
Towards the end of October we will begin to include an optional finisher for "Chad", the Hero WOD we will be completing on Veterans Day. It is a 4 week build up and is meant to be done outside of class times.
We're also continuing our 100-Day Burpee Challenge, we have our Breast Cancer Awareness WOD + Fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, October 7th, and will be running the Hero WOD "GOOD" in all group classes on Thursday, October12th, the 1-year Anniversary of Sergeant DeMonte and Officer Hamzy's passing.
Here's your weekly rundown:
• MONDAY: (EFFORT) 3X6 Overhead or Front Squats, EMOM x 16 Minutes Rowing, Toes to Bar, Squats
• TUESDAY: (SPRINT) EMOM x 12 then 5 Rounds for Time Jump Rope, Deadlifts + Hang Power Cleans + Front Rack Alt. Lunges
• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) Benchmark Workout CINDY, last seen April 29th. AMRAP x 20 Minutes Pull Ups, Push Ups, Air Squats
• THURSDAY: (GRIND) Partner or Solo WOD KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, Sit-Ups, Bike Chipper
• FRIDAY: (HEAVY) Power Snatch + Handstand Push Ups or DB Push Press
• SATURDAY: (EFFORT) 5-5-5-5 Bench Press AMRAP x 16 Minutes Run, Box Jumps, Box Step-Overs with Partner Option Available!
• 100-Day Burpee Challenge: Thursday, September 14th through Friday, December 22nd!!
• Saturday, October 7th: Breast Cancer Awareness WOD + Fundraiser
• Thursday, October 12th: Officer Hamzy & Sgt. DeMonte Hero WOD "GOOD" programmed for all group classes on the 1-year anniversary of their passing. Donations encouraged to the Fund the First fundraiser to benefit the Officer's families.
• Save the Date: Halloween Trunk or Treat/Party, Saturday, October 28th, Details TBD!
• Saturday, November 11th: Hero WOD: "Chad"
October Highlights
Strength Focuses…
• (1) Gymnastics Skill Day
• (1) Overhead Squat Day (Wave Loading)
• (1) Bench Press Day (Wave Loading)
• (1) Power Clean Day (Wave Loading)
Metcon Focuses…
• (2-3) Moderate Time Domains
• (1-2) Short Time Domains
• (1-2) Long Time Domains
• (2-3) Benchmark Retests
• (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays
October Strength Cycle
• Power Clean / Overhead Squat / Bench Press
• W1 - 10-8-6-8-6-4
• W2 - 8-6-4-6-4-2
• W3 - 6-4-2-4-3-2
• W4 - 10-8-6
• W5 - Test Power Clean / Overhead Squat / Bench Press
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Schedule your no-sweat intro
Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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